Saturday, August 31, 2019
Macbethââ¬â¢s character Essay
It is a fair assessment of Macbethââ¬â¢s character to call him nothing but a brutal and ruthless villain? In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Macbeth, Macbeth is a very complex character showing many different traits in his many appearances throughout the play. The story starts after a battle; Macbeth then meets three witches who foresee that he will become King of Scotland. These witches knew all about Macbethââ¬â¢s fatal flaw, his greed for power. This fatal flaw, as a typical tragic hero was the cause of his downfall. There is no doubt that throughout the play Macbeth is a brutal and ruthless villain, but it is certainly questionable to say that they are his only qualities Before Macbeth is even introduced to the audience, we are already told of his capacity for brutality. The captain describes Macbethââ¬â¢s actions to the king when he says, ââ¬Å"Like Valourââ¬â¢s minion, carved out his passage / Till he faced the slave.â⬠The captain goes on to say, ââ¬Å"Which neââ¬â¢er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, / Till he unseamed him from nave to chaps.â⬠This statement also shows the brutality and barbarity of Macbethââ¬â¢s character very well as he did not just end this mans life in an honourable and quick way, but instead sliced him all the way from his stomach to his jaw. Macbeth is also obviously very highly regarded among his colleagues and indeed enemies as being both brutal and brave, as the captain again says to Malcolm, ââ¬Å"For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)â⬠, showing that others thought of him as a very brave man. There is a lot of irony in this point as at this point in the play, Macbeth is being very highly regarded as being brave and ruthless, whereas later on these same qualities will lose him all his respect. As the play unfolds Macbeth finds it increasingly easy to kill innocent people, which shows clearly the ruthlessness and the brutality of his character. The first person that Macbeth kills in the play is King Duncan. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s audience would have taken this particular crime of regicide very seriously as they believed in divine right, that the king was chosen from God and anyone who took that power away was defying God and it was the ultimate wrong. King James would have been very pleased at this element of the play, as it showed that any person who committed regicide suffered greatly as a consequence of it. Also the fact that Macbeth murdered a King while he was sleeping and was utterly defenceless would have been seen as being very dishonourable. The most innocent of all of Macbethââ¬â¢s victims of his barbarity is Lady Macduff and her son. Macbethââ¬â¢s other victims are all directly blocking his path to supreme power and so one could argue that they were necessary, but Lady Macduff and her family are just a precaution that Macbeth took to try and get to Macduff. . In the scene where Lady Macduff and her son are killed, the innocence of the child is emphasised in his language and the questions that he asks his mother. When his mother questions how he will live after his fatherââ¬â¢s death he replies, ââ¬Å"As birds do, motherâ⬠, clearly showing his naivety and vulnerability. This further enhances the barbarity, as Macbethââ¬â¢s victims were so unaware of Macduffââ¬â¢s business and also Macbeth was not even honourable enough to do the deed himself. Although Macbeth is unaware of his fatal flaw, he still acknowledges that he is becoming more and more ruthless as the story progresses. He uses a metaphor of a river of blood to clearly show how he feels inside. Macbeth says: ââ¬Å"I am in blood Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go oââ¬â¢er.â⬠By using this metaphor, Macbeth is saying that he has killed so many people now that it would be easier to carry on being ruthless and barbaric then to go back and repent. Macbeth is here admitting that he has done wrong and thinks of himself as a lost cause that has no hope of doing good ever again. Macbeth also says, ââ¬Å"We are yet but young in deedâ⬠, suggesting that Macbeth sees the deeds he has committed so far as small in comparison to the deeds that he will commit in the future. Finally in Act Five Macbeth says that he has ââ¬Ëforgotten the taste of fear, showing that because of the witches telling him that no man born of a woman can harm him, he does not fear anything anymore. The character that was the driving force behind all his wrong doings starting from the murder of King Duncan was Macbethââ¬â¢s wife, Lady Macbeth. Therefore one would imagine that when she died, Macbeth would be devastated, but in reality when she does die Macbeth shows no remorse at all. When Seyton informs Macbeth that his wife is dead, all Macbeth can say is: ââ¬Å"She should have died hereafter: There would have been a time for such a word ââ¬â Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrowâ⬠. In this Shakespeare is trying to emphasis just how much Macbeth has changed throughout the book, from going from a loving husband to not even caring about the death of his wife. It is almost as if Macbeth at this point is incapable of human emotions anymore, like he has turned into the beasts that first gave him these apparitions. Macbeth is an extreme tyrannical ruler of Scotland and chooses to rule with fear rather than ruling out of respect. When Malcolm and Macduff are describing Macbethââ¬â¢s rule, they use personification to emphasise the amount of damage that Macbeth is doing to Scotland. Macduff says, ââ¬Å"Bleed, bleed, poor country, / Great tyranny. Lay thou thy basis sure.â⬠This makes Scotlandââ¬â¢s suffering seem human and the use of personification enhances the bad feelings that the reader has for Macbeth and also the feelings that Scotland is a victim is enhanced. Macbethââ¬â¢s brutality and ruthlessness leads to him being very short of loyal followers as they all disapprove of his tyrannical ruling methods. The few that do remain do so only out of fear of what Macbeth would do if they did not obey him. When Rosse and the messenger warn Lady Macduff that Macbethââ¬â¢s murderers are on the way to kill them, Rosse says, ââ¬Å"I am so much a fool, should I stay longerâ⬠and the messenger says, ââ¬Å"I dare abide no longerâ⬠. These two statements clearly show the fear that these men have for their lives in disobeying Macbeth. The fact that even Macbethââ¬â¢s own men fear him enhances the evil feeling that the reader has for Macbeth. Shakespeare strengthens the image that Macbeth is a ruthless villain by the opinions that others have for him. In Acts 4 and 5, the English leaders refer to Macbeth as a ââ¬Ëbutcherââ¬â¢, a ââ¬Ëhell-houndââ¬â¢ and an ââ¬Ëabhorred tyrant.ââ¬â¢ This shows the disrespect that the neighbouring countries felt for Macbethââ¬â¢s reign. Shakespeare also uses pathetic fallacy to emphasise the evilness of Macbethââ¬â¢s crimes, when the porter says, ââ¬Å"This place is too cold for hell. Iââ¬â¢ll devil-porter it / no further,â⬠this is quite an extreme statement showing that Macbethââ¬â¢s castle is even worse than hell, indicating evil and wrong doing is present in some way. All this imagery is used by Shakespeare to further add to the evil feelings that the reader has for Macbethââ¬â¢s crimes against the King. It can however be argued that Macbeth has certainly not been a brutal and ruthless villain all throughout the play. Before we even meet Macbeth we are presented with a view of him being a noble man as we are told this by the king when he describes Macbeth as a ââ¬Ëvaliant cousin!ââ¬â¢ and a ââ¬Ëworthy gentleman!ââ¬â¢ The captain also says ââ¬Ëbrave Macbeth (well he deserves that nameââ¬â¢. These two accounts of Macbeth clearly show both the Captain and the Kingââ¬â¢s respect for Macbeth. Shakespeare builds up Macbeth like this so that when he does fall, it will be so much greater. Macbethââ¬â¢s first major crime is the murder of King Duncan. Although this in itself could definitely be seen as brutal and ruthless, Macbeth did show a lot of anxiety about performing the crime before and he did show a great deal of regret after the deed. Macbeth hears knocking after he has murdered Duncan and Macbeth says, ââ¬Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou couldst,â⬠it is apparent from this that Macbeth has certainly got a conscience, as he wished that he could reverse his actions. Shakespeare also uses a metaphor of blood on Macbethââ¬â¢s hands to emphasise his guilt when Macbeth says: ââ¬Å"Will all great Neptuneââ¬â¢s ocean wash this blood Clean from my handâ⬠Macbeth is experiencing the feeling that no matter what he does, he can never wash off the stain of his guilt. Macbeth is not the only one to blame for his crimes and had it not been for Lady Macbeth it could certainly be argued that Macbeth would not have acted on any of his ideas of murder. Lady Macbeth says that Macbeth is ââ¬Ëtoo full oââ¬â¢ the milk of human kindnessââ¬â¢, using the word ââ¬Ëtooââ¬â¢ to make it sound like it was a weakness on Macbethââ¬â¢s part, showing that she feels Macbeth is too pleasant to be committing these types of crimes. Also Lady Macbeth uses all her powers of persuasion to get Macbeth to do what he wants. She questions his manhood, she uses flattery when she says, ââ¬Å"And, to be more than you what you were, you would / Be so much more the man,â⬠and she also uses emotional blackmail to twist Macbethââ¬â¢s mind. With this constant source of irritation always near him, it is no wonder that he gave in in the end. It is not surprising that Macbeth eventually gave in to his wife as she is such a powerful and dominating character in the book Shakespeare re-enforces the idea of Lady Macbeth being powerful and evil when Lady Macbeth says: ââ¬Å"Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me hereâ⬠This statement makes Lady Macbeth sound like the witches and therefore enhances her evilness and domination of Macbeth. Macbeth would not be considered ruthless and brutal had it not been for the forces of evil in the three witches. Macbeth was merely a puppet in their plan. They knew his weakness for power and used it against him. They told him exactly what he wanted to hear and that consequently led to the death of the king. Macbeth would have remained faithful to king and country, if the witches had not filled his head with thoughts that he could not escape. Therefore Macbeth was not the evil and villainous one, he was merely a victim of the witchââ¬â¢s evil. The evil in the witches is emphasised by Shakespeareââ¬â¢s use of pathetic fallacy. At the beginning of the play Shakespeare says in the stage directions ââ¬Ë[Thunder and lightning]ââ¬â¢, using pathetic fallacy to make the witches seem even wicked and their power emphasised as it almost seems that they have control over the weather. As there is so many factors that show that Macbeth is not just merely a brutal and ruthless villain, it would be wrong to call Macbeth ââ¬Ënothing butââ¬â¢ a villain. The very fact that Macbeth is a tragic hero is evidence in itself that Macbeth has the potential for good but is merely destroyed by his fatal flaw, because tragic heroââ¬â¢s have to start with power and respect and gradually lose that throughout the play. This is summed up perfectly in Act 4 Scene 3 when Malcolm says: ââ¬Å"This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues, Was once thought honest: you have loved him well.â⬠Despite all the crimes that Macbeth has committed, Malcolm is still saying that this was not always the case, showing further evidence that Macbeth is more than just a brutal and ruthless villain.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ambition in Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz and School Ties Essay
Ambition: Itââ¬â¢s Easy to Dream a Dream, but Much Harder to Live it Napoleon Bonaparte once said: ââ¬Å"Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. It all depends on the principles which direct them. â⬠From this quote, one can see that great ambition is crucial to experience success whether it is achieved in an honest fashion, or a morally questionable one. In the novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (ADK) and the movie School Ties (ST) a strong sense of ambition is one of the driving topics for the plot and the development of many characters. For example, one can see that Duddy will do anything to achieve his dreams, even if that means betraying his friends or taking part in illegal activities. Although the amount of ambition in both works is very prominent, too much ambition can prove to be detrimental in many ways, and it is evident that ambition proves to be more severe in ST because many characters struggled with common morals and were affected by the mental destruction that comes along with too much ambition. In ADK, Duddy proves to be too ambitious for his own good throughout the entire novel, as he cares too much about owning land rather than following morals or obeying the law. Just one of these examples would be when Duddy sells contraband comic books. ââ¬Å"American comic books were beginning to trickle into the city again, and so Duddy was attracted by this new lineâ⬠¦ Barney was picked up by the police and fined. Duddy, unfortunately was caught with a large stack on hand. He took fright and threw them in the furnace. â⬠(Richler 56). This quote shows evidence that Duddy began his overly-ambitious ways at a young age by selling pornographic comic books. Moreover, this proves Napoleon Bonaparteââ¬â¢s quote in that those who are ambitious are willing to commit very good or very bad acts in order to succeed. Similarly, morals are lost in ST as well when Dillon cheats on his history exam, and tells the class that it was David instead of him. ââ¬Å"It wasnââ¬â¢t Connors. â⬠¦] I should have told the truth yesterday. I know who cheated. It was Green. â⬠(Darryl Ponicsan, Dick Wolf). At this point in the movie, it portrays Dillon as the antagonist as he lied to his friends, and cheated on his exam. Since Dillon did this in order to get into Princeton, one can conclude that he did this because he felt like he had no other options. Thus leading the reader to believe that Dillon did this out of ambition, but he let his morals get the better o f him. In this way, ADK is extremely similar to ST in the sense that characters from each text betrayed their friends, and cheated in one way or another in order to succeed. Secondly, Duddy Kravitz can be seen struggling with the mental exhaustion that comes with having too much ambition throughout the novel. An example of this is when he has a small breakdown just after he loses all of his money by playing roulette. ââ¬Å"Duddy was seized by an uncontrollable fit of laughter. He rolled over in the grass, biting his arm to muffle the noiseâ⬠¦ Three times he stopped, his laughter immense. The thought of them searching for him all through the nightâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Richler 90. ) This quote gives evidence that Duddy was so blinded by his ambition that he has fits of laughter over the fact that he lost all of his money. Moreover, this proves that Duddyââ¬â¢s mental health has diminished because he doesnââ¬â¢t care about the fact that the employees at the lodge are sincerely worried as they search for him. Similarly, mental destruction due to ambition is portrayed in ST as well during the scene where McGivern is so upset about his teacher insulting him in French class that he sneaks into the classroom that night in order to repeat his recitation to himself while his friends are looking for him around campus. McGivern is so distraught about this presentation that he ends up getting taken away in an ambulance at the end of the night. Although the way that mental destruction is shown in ST is slightly different than in ADK, they are very alike because both mental breakdowns by the characters are brought on through their ambitions to succeed. In conclusion, mental destruction and the loss of morals from being too ambitious are evident in both novels, but it is more severe in ST because multiple characters suffer in different ways, whereas Duddy is the only character that struggles significantly with his ambitions. Ultimately, being ambitious is a great trait because it builds character, but becoming too ambitious can harm an individual in more ways than one. So, how ambitious are you?
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Hemingwayââ¬â¢s The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Essay
à à à à à à à à à à à The three characters in Hemingwayââ¬â¢s The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber form a triangle in which the relationships are not clear from the beginning. The plot of the short story is not very complicated: during a safari, the rich and handsome Francis Macomber proves to be a coward when he runs off scared while hunting the lion he had wounded. à à à à à In fact, the attribute of ââ¬Ëcowardââ¬â¢ is given to him, indirectly, by his wife Margot and by Wilson, the hunter who accompanies them on the expedition. The whole story thus revolves around the killing of the lion, an act which seems to be the ultimate proof of manhood, and, which constitutes therefore a great attraction to women. The setting and the context of the story- the safari in the wilderness of Africa- seem to determine also the plot: Hemingway chooses for his characters two Americans with a great wealth and social stand, who are supposed to be very civilized, and exposes in fact their instinctual behavior, which seems to have kept its wild nature. Francis Macomber and Robert Wilson ââ¬Ëfightââ¬â¢, by proving their courage in the hunt, for the ââ¬Ëfemaleââ¬â¢ who will instinctually choose the stronger of the two. The fact that the behavior of wild animals and that of humans have a common pattern is emphasized by Hemingway careful notation of the lionââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëfeelingsââ¬â¢ while he is being hunted by the two men. Thus, a clear connection is established between men and the wild animals: ââ¬Å"Macomber had not thought how the lion felt as he got out of the car. He only knew his hands were shaking and as he walked away from the car it was almost impossible for him to make his legs move.â⬠(Hemingway, 8) Thus, after Macomberââ¬â¢s failure in the hunt of the lion, Margot kisses the ââ¬Ëwinnerââ¬â¢, Wilson, and completely ignores her husband, and her behavior seems to be the exact pattern of the creatures in the wilderness. Furthermore, the very night after Macomberââ¬â¢s defeat, she goes to bed with Wilson, without even trying to dissimulate in front of her husband. The courage to kill and to face death is taken here as the main criteria for manhood: ââ¬Å"Fear gone like an operation. Something else grew in its place. Main thing a man had. Made him into a man. Women knew it too. No bloody fear.â⬠(Hemingway, 12) The marriage between Francis and Margot had been nothing more than a profitable business affair, him having the money and she the beauty. As it is hinted, these interests are the only things that kept them together still. Both of them seem to be sure these ties are strong enough to secure against a break-up. However, after having found out about his wifeââ¬â¢s betrayal, Macomberââ¬â¢s instinctive nature seems to be awakened: he discovers the exhilaration that the hunt and the killings produce in him, and his fear is completely gone. Still, Margot is not pleased by her husbandââ¬â¢s success, as one would expect. She rather feels threatened, and tries to hide it by resuming her contemptuous attitude towards him: ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Youââ¬â¢ve gotten awfully brave, awfully suddenly,ââ¬â¢ his wife said contemptuously, but her contempt was not secure. She was very afraid of something.â⬠(Hemingway, 11) Thus, Margot ââ¬Ërewardsââ¬â¢ the braveness of her husband by killing him while he was fighting the bull, apparently trying to aim at the beast. However, it is obvious that she kills him intentionally, first of all, because of her strange behavior before the murder, and also because of the logic of events. As Hemingway hints, ââ¬Ëshe was afraid of somethingââ¬â¢ and it can plainly be seen that that something was the fact that Macomber might leave her for her betrayal, now that he found his self-assurance and his manliness again. This is exactly what Wilson alludes at after the ââ¬Ëaccidentââ¬â¢: ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢That was a pretty thing to do,ââ¬â¢ he said in a toneless voice. ââ¬ËHe would have left you too.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Hemingway, 14) She thus kills her husband to ward off the danger of having him leave her. This is proven by her strong emotions during the bull hunt, in which Macomber finally shows his braveness: her face is white with fear and probably contrasting feelings. At first she seems to congratulate again the winner, this time her husband: ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢In the car Macomberââ¬â¢s wife sat very white-faced. ââ¬ËYou were marvelous, darling,ââ¬â¢ she said to Macomber. ââ¬ËWhat a ride.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Hemingway, 13) Nonetheless, her admiration soon turns into the fear that her husband will desert her: ââ¬Å"Her face was white and she looked ill.â⬠Again, the fact that Margot kills her husband on purpose coheres with the rest of her instinctive behavior: although the main reason of the killing seems to be his fortune or her social stand which she might lose, it may be that her murder is again instinctive, in the sense that she is afraid of losing the now desirable man, because of his courage. She prefers shooting him, again cohering with the hunt. Her ââ¬Ëhystericalââ¬â¢ crying over the dead body of her husband do not manage to convince us of her innocence or her pain at the loss: she rather mourns him either because she needs to act in front of the other hunters, or because she has to give up the hero she had been looking for. The way in which she changes her mind after Macomberââ¬â¢s success, and she says that their hunting is by no means a heroic act, clearly demonstrates that she feels trapped, again manifesting her instinctual nature. At the end of the story, she herself is defeated by Wilson, who plainly lets her see that he knows the truth, and seems to enjoy the feeling of being able to submit her to his will, and have her beg: ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s better, ââ¬ËWilson said. ââ¬ËPlease is much better. Now Iââ¬â¢ll stop.ââ¬â¢(Hemingway, 14) The meanings of Hemingwayââ¬â¢s story are thus very complex, as he analyzes the instinctual relationships between men and women, and other instincts, such as that of killing and hunting or of possessing and dominating. Works Cited: Hemingway, Ernest. The Complete Short Stories. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1998
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Evocative Object - IPod (3rd Gen) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evocative Object - IPod (3rd Gen) - Essay Example It has been significant in improving the way of doing things, enhancing quick and efficient communication, promoting quick exchange of data, increasing human interactions, and generally improving human life. However, most common in the recent technological advancements is the information and communication technologies (ICT). Information and communication technologies cover a wide range of applications subject to the many gadgets that fall under technological advancements. Some of these applications are in computers, cell phones, software, and other innovative gadgets. Nevertheless, applications of given technological gadgets depend on specific properties in such tools. More so, these properties manifest clearly in the telephony world where different phones have variant features. Personally, I have had experiences with various cell phones both in school and at home. This paper will therefore detail my experience with the 3rd generation iPod. The introduction of the iPod in the market followed the iPhone, which is a smart phone. Indeed, the iPod is a development of an iPhone and is a product of apple just like iPhone and iPad. Nevertheless, the iPod has an improved processor and has more improved features than earlier software. Actually, the iPod touch (3rd generation) is a technological improvement of the iPod touch (2nd generation). As such, the iPod touch (3rd generation) was technologically better and at the time it was the best sleek phone in the market. Hence, when my father gave me the 3rd generation iPod upon my success in my exams, a sensual feeling coupled with a beautiful experience came to my life. The iPod touch (3rd generation) had a faster processor, sleek in shape and green in color (Apple Web). My father brought the iPod at night during the summer after the release of my exam results. Upon opening the box carrying the iPod, I could not contain the excitement from the beautiful gadget that met my eyes. The green color is my favorite color and alth ough the iPod comes in various colors, my father made the best choice. The gadget was small and sleek thus flexible and convenient to carry. I comfortably rested in my pocket and the feeling of having such a classy gadget in my pocket was awesome. In addition, there were Apple earphones with remote and microphone, USB 2.0 cable, and a dock adapter in the box carrying the iPod (Apple Web). Since, the iPod touch was already charged; I had to try the Apple earphones by playing the default music in the iPod. Upon a closer look, I realized that the ear bud headphones had an allowance for adjusting the volume, video playback, and control music. In addition, the sound and pitch coming through the Apple earphones was exciting. At the same time, I tried the USB 2.0 cable via my laptop and it worked marvelously. I realized that the cable was significant in connecting the iPod with a computer. The dock adapter was equally synonymous in charging the iPod. These applications made me value the ga dget so much. As such, the next day I checked to school with it and could not resist showing my friends who were so excited to see it. I came to learn that the iPod had a very fast processor. As such, I can download files from the internet and access information with record speed. Indeed, in between lessons, I research
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critically discuss to what extent and how a Strategic HRM approach can Essay
Critically discuss to what extent and how a Strategic HRM approach can help to create value and competitive advantage in an organisation - Essay Example Doing it strategically and making it a part of strategy helps the company to do well in the long run. In this write up, the aim is to uncover the importance of doing human resource management as attached to strategy and the results of doing so, whether it helps in gaining competitive advantage or not, whether it increases the worth and value of the company or not. Every companys aim is to maximize its profits. But an intelligent and well managed company is one which takes care of its employees so that they can be motivated well enough to handle the customers in a brilliant way, ensuring loyal customers and better sales generation. Employees are that part of the company which should be considered the most vital as they are those which run the company on a daily basis. Whether the employee belongs to the top level management, middle level management, is a first line manager, is a non-manager or simply is a worker at the factory should not matter. What should matter is that they are all important and the company runs with the help of these employees. Therefore, importance should be given to all levels of employees irrespective of what part of hierarchy they belong to. (Armstrong, 2006) Moreover, if seen from another perspective, it can be said that if the employees are happy, they will take good care of the customers and if the customers are hap py, they will come back to the company for repeat purchases and thus the worth of the company will rise, ultimately making the shareholders happy. So it all boils down to if the employees are happy or not. Moreover, the new concept nowadays for doing effective human resource management, this helps in the long run, is that of leading a diversified workforce in this ever changing environment. Intercultural diversity and being an equal opportunity employer is the thing of todayââ¬â¢s age and the company which does not support it always loses out on the competition because diversity brings this unique quality within a
Comparison of how the international community (focusing here e.g. on Essay
Comparison of how the international community (focusing here e.g. on the UN, OSCE and Council of Europe) is dealing with Chechnya and Kosovo (independence) - Essay Example He uses Nietzsche to show how empty and meaningless a world with opposing politics might become. The end of the history is a very unsatisfying place. We are always looking for values and something that is worth fighting for. The question then becomes how to fight for the values we believe in. For the international community two key tests would show how they dealt with the new world that had suddenly appeared after the Cold War. One, Kosovo, would indicate someone like Fukuyama was right: a new world order committed to promoting certain key values had indeed taken center stage. The other, Chechnya, indicated nothing much had changed and that might makes right. As Robert Kagan writes in his book Of Paradise and Power, the Balkan Wars were one of the first stumbling blocks to the concept of a peaceful new world order. It turned out that having the US as the lone power in the world was not a solution to problems around the world. There was simply too much to be responsible for. As was demonstrated in the Balkans in the 1990s, Europeans werenââ¬â¢t able to project a credible military force even within Europe. This was a painful time for Europe. Instead of solving global conflicts, they looked inward. The Europeans resorted to the only real talent they had at the time: endless diplomatic measure through international institutions such as the UN. The success of European integration and solving the "German problem" had led a lot of Europeans at the time, Kagan writes, to believe that they live in a Kantian paradise where international institutions could banish war forever. This illusion came crashing down with the Balkans, where the Europeans were powerless in the early 1990s, and Chechnya, where they chose to turn a blind eye, intimidated by an unstable and resurgent Russia, and unable to finding a compelling political reasons to engage. There are obviously interests but, in comparison with
Monday, August 26, 2019
Color Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Color - Assignment Example A good understanding of color theory is a good understanding of science. A knowledgeable person will help the group study how colors affect different people, either individually or as a group. The group will understand that people can build a career on colors (Chapman). 2. An understanding of color theory will prevent color disasters. For instance, painting a magazine yellow is not usually a hit. Many people are not a fan of yellow. Statistics indicate that yellow remains the least likely favorite color for most people (Chapman). It is necessary for a producer to understand the different ways of producing color. This improves the quality of the publication. A designer will be able to develop the best color harmony. The magazine he designed will engage the viewer and creates an inner sense of understanding and balance in the visual experience. The designer will not be boring or chaotic. He will indicate a feeling of order in his work, and deliver visual interest to the readers
Sunday, August 25, 2019
(Geology) Tsunami Threat in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
(Geology) Tsunami Threat in California - Essay Example In the history of Tsunami, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was one of the deadliest disasters that killed over 230,000 people in 14 countries near the Indian Ocean. Although researchers have identified the causes and other characteristics of this natural disaster, many facts about Tsunami still remain undiscovered. This paper will discuss the ââ¬Å"Tsunami threat in Californiaâ⬠in detail. Geological surveys have identified that most of the faults in the United States, specifically in California, are strike slip faults. In addition, the presence of dip slip faults also has been discovered in California (State of California, 1992). In geology, a fault indicates a discontinuity in a large volume of rock and this discontinuity or planar fracture often causes notable displacements during the times of an earth movement. Strike slip faults can be simply defined as a motion which is parallel to the strike of the fault and sometimes it is referred to as side by side motion. Strike slip faults characterized with left lateral motion are called sinistral faults while those resemble a right lateral motion fall under the category of dextral faults. In contrast, dip slip faults represent fractures where the blocks are shifted almost vertically. In the case of dip slip faults, a downward motion is termed as normal and an upward motion is known as reverse. A fault that includes the components of both strike slip and dip slip is commonly referred to as an oblique slip fault. It has been identified that both the strike slip faults and dip slip faults may lead to earthquakes and thereby tsunamis. Earthquakes associated with strike slip faults and reverse slip faults can have the potential to cause powerful tsunamis because most of such earthquakes generally hit with a magnitude of 8 or more and it has been observed that energy released during an earthquake is proportional to the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Eating Disorder PTSD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Eating Disorder PTSD - Essay Example The greatest differences were found between sexual traumatizations and non-sexual traumatizations and individuals who had experienced both child sexual abuse and rape in adulthood were found to most likely display an ED-related psychopathology. Women who had been sexually assaulted were significantly more likely to report an ED compared to women who had not been assaulted. Sexual abuse hence, is an important predictor of bulimia nervosa and other bulimic disorders and based upon an 18-year prospective and longitudinal study, this implies that traumatizations, especially sexual traumatizations may augment the risk of ED development. Through recent studies, psychotherapists had been able to diagnose PTSD in only one case of the anorexic and in three cases of the bulimics patients, indicating as well that PTSD is less pronounced in routine clinical practice and further inquiry on the possibility of traumatic events to have occurred in ED patients is suggested. Since many patients are no t comfortable revealing major traumatizations during the initial stages of therapy, evaluation of trauma during therapy is encouraged to progress with sufficient time. While ED patients have scarcely been found to experience somatization, ED patients with PTSD exhibited more somatization symptoms than patients without PTSD.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Electronic communication and its impacts on the organizatio Research Paper
Electronic communication and its impacts on the organizatio - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, the paper will discuss issues related to electronic communication, by defining it, comparing it to traditional forms of communication, discussing its impact on the workplace, and its impact on the customer and organization relationship. The definition of the electronic communication excludes the wire and oral communication as it is defined in the Tile III, from communication tracking devices, paging devices, and electronic funds transfer information, which is stored by financial institutions in their communications system. Therefore, electronic communication is defined in different ways depending on the ways of information dissemination, the purpose of the information conveyed, and the information involved. In this case, the paper has provided an extensive definition of electronic communication, which has been derived from the State Acts concerning communication. Differences between Electronic Communication and the Traditional Communication One of the traditional forms of communication is face to face, and it is a most preferred form of commutation. The main difference between the electronic communication and this form of traditional communication relates to maintenance of personal connection. In this case, face-to-face communication facilitates maintenance of personal connection for the parties involved compared to communication via text messaging and emails. For example, people prefer holding a face-to-face meeting with the other members of the board instead of making a conference call for discussing same issues (Walther, Loh, and Granka 36). In fact, electronic communication denies the parties a chance to see each otherââ¬â¢s facial impressions, which are highly pertinent aspects in the process of communication. The other difference between traditional communication and electronic communication relates to the way of interaction since each form determines whether the meeting will take place in a single location or through live interaction ove r the Internet by use of technology. Electronic communication involves technology that allow people to connect from multiple locations, thus creating the ability of getting together with colleagues, managers, and customers through a team building that facilitates achievement of organizational objectives. On the other hand, in traditional communication, a meeting can only be held in a certain location and the parties involved must be in the same location at a period for the meeting to take place. In addition, traditional communication involving the use of telephone allows verbal connection, providing non-verbal cues, which are based on the tone of the voice, pauses and variations. In electronic communication, there are tools such as Skype, which offer online phone connection that includes images and video, unlike the traditional communication. Impacts of E-Communication on the Work Place Communication Electronic communication has made a significant contribution to workplace collabora tion, expansion of globalization and distribution of work team members during the twentieth century. This is essential for sharing of information and communication related to various projects through the Internet, email, social media and virtual team rooms, which are applied as the tools of electronic workplace collabo
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Advanced accounting Ch 1 solution Essay Example for Free
Advanced accounting Ch 1 solution Essay 1A business combination is a union of business entities in which two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Three situations establish the control necessary for a business combination, namely, when one or more corporations become subsidiaries, when one company transfers its net assets to another, and when each combining company transfers its net assets to a newly formed corporation. 2The dissolution of all but one of the separate legal entities is not necessary for a business combination. An example of one form of business combination in which the separate legal entities are not dissolved is when one corporation becomes a subsidiary of another. In the case of a parent-subsidiary relationship, each combining company continues to exist as a separate legal entity even though both companies are under the control of a single management team. 3A business combination occurs when two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Merger and consolidation in a generic sense are frequently used as synonyms for the term business combination. In a technical sense, however, a merger is a type of business combination in which all but one of the combining entities are dissolved and a consolidation is a type of business combination in which a new corporation is formed to take over the assets of two or more previously separate companies and all of the combining companies are dissolved. 4Goodwill arises in a business combination accounted for under the acquisition method when the cost of the investment (fair value of the consideration transferred) exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired. Under GAAP, goodwill is not amortized for financial reporting purposes and will have no effect on net income, unless the goodwill is deemed to be impaired. If goodwill is impaired, a loss will be recognized. 5A bargain purchase occurs when the acquisition price is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. The acquirer records the gain from a bargain purchase as an ordinary gain during the period of the acquisition. The gain equals the difference between the investment cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
America and the challenges of religious diversity Essay Example for Free
America and the challenges of religious diversity Essay Religion and Theory Introduction à à à à à à à à à à à The world today is dynamic such that there is need to recognize the diversity of the people that live in it. People across the world are different in terms of culture, religion and race. However, there are few people that have consistently failed to accommodate diverse beliefs and opinions. One of the diversity factor that has come under sharp focus is religion. All over the world, there are people with special religious sensitivities and thus the need to accommodate diverse opinions when it comes to religion. Such people should be allowed to promote and practice their religious beliefs and practices with little or no interference. However, this freedom should be limited to the fact that the said religious beliefs and practices do not infringe on the rights of other people in the society. à à à à à à à à à à à The practice of religious persecutions started man7y years ago when certain religious beliefs and practices were discouraged. The consequences of practicing the discouraged religious practices included harassment and illegal persecution. Today, it is very difficult to identify individuals with special sensitivities and sensibilities from the street. However, there are certain factors that are common with certain religious following. Different religious groups have different code of dressing. This might make it easier to identify an individual with religious sensitivity. à à à à à à à à à à à According to Wuthnow, (2011), religious groups such as the Islamic faith require that women dress modestly. Inn more conservative Muslims, women are required to wear veils covering most of their body. This is to reinforce their religious beliefs regarding chastity and behaviour. Muslim men also wear long flowing gowns which also would make them easy to identify. Almost every ethno-religious subcultures ranging from mainstream religious following such as the Hindu to smaller ethno-religious subcultures such as the Amish have a specific dress code. However, the dressing code is not the only way that one can identify people with religious sensitivities. The important thing for every individual in the society is to learn and respect the divergent opinion of the general populous when it comes to religion. References Wuthnow, R. (2011). America and the challenges of religious diversity. Princeton University Press. Source document
Monday, August 19, 2019
Jeanette Wintersons Written on the Body and Caryl Churchills Cloud Ni
Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body and Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine In Jeanette Wintersonââ¬â¢s Written on the Body and Caryl Churchillââ¬â¢s Cloud Nine differences between male and female roles in society become distinct. Through these differences, an intricate web of male and female characters seems to be woven, and we can see the clarity between gender roles. With the support of Churchillââ¬â¢s Cloud Nine by Jeffrey Barber, ââ¬Å"You see, I am no stranger to loveâ⬠: Jeanette Winterson and the Extasy of the Word by Celia Shiffer, and ââ¬Å"Body Languages: Scientific and Aesthetic Discourses in Jeanette Wintersonââ¬â¢s Written on the Body,â⬠the idea of love and gender roles present in Jeanette Wintersonââ¬â¢s Written on the Body and Caryl Churchillââ¬â¢s Cloud Nine become alive, and we see how these characters both form to and break from their assigned roles. The roles of the characters are exemplified by distinct differences between the genders through the presence of love and gender stereotypes, the dominant idea of nature, and the struggle between male and female characters with specific reference to sexual relationships and marriage. Gender stereotypes seem characteristic in both Written on the Body and Cloud Nine. Clearly the women are expected to be submissive, while the men are to be assertive. The first time we see the idea of these gender stereotypes in Cloud Nine is with Edward and his sister Victoriaââ¬â¢s doll. Dolls are clearly not toys for boys; they are only for little girls. And so, when Edward is caught playing with the doll, his father and mother show disappointment in him because it is not proper for a boy to play with a doll. Edward gives the doll up unwillingly. The second time Edward is caught playing with the doll Betty says ... ...tinguishable, often seems figures as a condition of being human rather than coded with female specificityâ⬠(Shiffer 33). Schiffer draws our attention to a very important concept brought about throughout the two novels; the concept of loss. Love can only be measured by loss, and in Written on the Body the narrator realizes the importance of Louise and the impact she had on her life only after she is gone. However, when Betty leaves Clive in Cloud Nine she realizes all that she can do for herself, which furthermore signifies Cliveââ¬â¢s irrelevance to her life. Both of these works explicitly work for and against one another both forming to and breaking from very intricate connections. Through both texts, we can see how each of the characters wants to conform to certain stereotypes, and how ultimately, many of the characters end up breaking from the stereotypes set forth.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Image Processing :: essays research papers
Adaptive Shape Contour Tracing Algorithm ABSTRACT In this paper we are going to present a new shape contour tracing algorithm called à ¡Ã §Adaptive Contour Tracing Algorithmà ¡Ã ¨. The algorithm can trace open and closed discontinuous digital shapes and return an ordered set of boundary points that represent the contour of the shape. Unlike other algorithms that return boundary points that are part of the traced shape, our algorithm returns background points that are adjacent to the shapeà ¡Ã ¦s contour. Furthermore, the algorithm is not hindered by shapes that are noisy and ill-defined as it can adapt to interruptions in the shapeà ¡Ã ¦s contour using a pre-set tolerance and is able to scan multiple neighbors of a given point. The algorithm has a low complexity and no restrictions on the type or size of the traced shape. The extracted ordered set of boundary points represents the contour of a given shape and is important for curvature-based shape descriptors. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.4.6 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Segmentation à ¡V Edge and feature detection, Pixel classification General Terms Algorithms. Keywords Image Processing; Contour Tracing; Shape Boundary Extraction. 1. INTRODUCTION Contour tracing is an important process in boundary-based shape matching. All shapes are represented by a pattern of pixels and the contour pixels are usually a small subset of that pattern. Curvature-based shape matching methods rely on the contour pixels to describe the irregularities in shapes and a reliable contour-tracing algorithm is needed to extract the boundary of shapes. If the shape has holes then another hole search algorithm need to be applied to extract the hole pattern and such an algorithm is not part of this article. We developed a sequential contour-tracing algorithm denoted the à ¡Ã §Adaptive Contour Tracing Algorithmà ¡Ã ¨. The algorithm computes the surrounding contour of any shape and adapts to all types of closed curve representations whether they are filled or partially filled digital shapes. Any pixel, 1-pixel wide lines, and full shapes could be traced and represented by closed curves. The algorithm also accounts for discontinuities in the shape contour and can reach nearby pixels. The contour trace starts from the top left point or pixel closest to the shape and proceeds clockwise following the surrounding of the contour of the shape rather than the contour itself. The path around the contour is traced in a look-forward sweep pattern to find the next surrounding point that is closest to the contour. The path is then closed when the start point is found.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Thomas Hobbes Essay
The philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, especially that of his major work, Leviathan, is designed to understand the motives of human nature and, from these, seek the surest way to civil peace. This is one of the earliest examples of a ââ¬Å"scientificâ⬠method of understanding political science in that the commonwealth was to be built on a handful of axioms, all deriving from what Hobbes considered facts of human nature (cf. Matthews, 118). The nature of these axioms leading to civil peace is the purpose of this present essay. The primary understanding of human nature that, if applied properly, would lead to social peace is that human beings desire power. This is nearly identical to Machiavelliââ¬â¢s approach to politics. It seems that in both Hobbes and Machiavelli, human beings desire power, and hence, develop ââ¬Å"moralâ⬠systems that justify the present holding or seeking of power (Morgan, 528-530, and 581-582). But the nature of this axiom is that people are naturally programmed to seek power and no matter of moral suasion will stop this. Hobbes wants to begin from a single concept and build upon it rather than attempt to suppress it, since any attempt at suppression itself proves the axiom correct. If human nature is taken seriously rather than covered over with metaphysical theories, then peace might be the consequent: human beings must be taken as they are, not as one might want them to be. If the above axiom is true, that is, people desire power, than many other axioms follow from it. The first axiom that follows from the first is that reason is a slave to the passions (Morgan, 641). Reason, in other words, cannot provide ends, but merely means, and significantly, justifications after the fact. Appealing to reason is hence, not appropriate with such a view of humanity, and only the appeal to passion will work here. Passion is nothing that can be suppressed, but it can be controlled. Passion is the engine of human nature in a similar sense that hunks of matter in a vacuum will continue in constant morion unless acted upon by another force. This is an exact parallel to Hobbes here, and the only opposing force to passionate human motion is other human beings, and hence, the problem: humans are constantly, following from this, in a state of war. What makes this state of war particularly harsh is that the abilities of human beings as individuals, or organizing into groups, are roughly equal (Morgan, 591). This means that the war of all against all will continue constantly, with no clear winner. Any ââ¬Å"winnerâ⬠will be only a temporary winner, and will soon be dethroned by another faction. The fact of equality is not something here taken from observation, but from a deduction from ââ¬Å"atomicâ⬠theory (or at least, the theories of matter current at the time), where atoms, in their basic structure, are all the same. Matter is matter, energy is energy, humans are humans. From the above, it follows that human beings are determined. Free will, to an extent, is rejected in Hobbes. For him, liberty is the ability to do what one wills without outside opposition (Morgan, 621). This is consistent with determinism in that the will must have a reason, that is, a cause, for having the desire it has and bringing it to fruition. Hence, man is determined, but since he does what he wants, he is thus free. This just underscores the fact that reason is impotent to being about peace, only the passions can be appealed to in that the constant clashing of wills and the frustration of oneââ¬â¢s freedom as Hobbes describes it is constant warfare. From the above, Hobbes deduces that humanity is egocentric, power hungry and willful, and as a result, without some countervailing power, is in a constant state of warfare. The nature of this countervailing power is the real centerpiece of the Leviathan. The general point is that if humanity can be reduced to a few, simple, clear axioms that follow logically from one another, as any good scientific theory should do, then the state, the countervailing power that keeps these human ââ¬Å"atomsâ⬠in line relative to one another, should also be simple, unified and follow logically from the axioms about human nature. Hence, Hobbes is seeking to be completely scientific and a ââ¬Å"realistâ⬠about both humanity and the state that they will live under in order to reach peace. At this point in the logical progression, it seems impossible to live in a state of peace. Human beings are depicted as lustful, egocentric and equal beings constantly in a state of motion and hence, clashing with all other peoples, essentially hunks of matter in motion, connected to an almost arbitrary engine of passion. But it is the Leviathan that will bring this peace, and it is passion that it will use to justify itself and bring peace to the commonwealth. Hobbes describes humanity prior to all law and custom, that is, the ââ¬Å"law of nature. â⬠The primary motive force of humanity is power, considered generally. But if warfare is a constant feature of the ââ¬Å"state of nature,â⬠then the drive for power for each and all is constantly being frustrated. It seems logical to hold that eventually, these egocentric people will constantly see their designs thwarted and their purposes constantly harmed y others. From this, all those that seek power, that is, everyone, will be forced to come to some agreement, a ââ¬Å"covenantâ⬠among themselves that will provide a measure of peace so that the power struggle can continue in more peaceful channels. This is the nature of the covenant (Morgan, 594). This agreement comes not about through reason, but through the constant frustration of passion. Reason is a means to an end, and power is always that end. But power cannot be had in the state of nature given its constantly shifting nature, and therefore, reason then acts as a slave to passion and demands some kind of agreement, a contract that will bring peace. The nature of this covenant must follow from the facts of human nature outlined above. Hence, it cannot really be a parliamentary democracy because that merely leaves the state of nature intact, one faction constantly unseating another, leading to the same chaos as before. The kind of state that is agreed upon is basically a dictatorship of a party that must act equally between individuals and factions within the society. All power is hence transferred to the state, the dictatorship, and in return, this power is used to keep the warring factions from destroying each other. The only real demand laid on the state is that of objectivity in judging among the factions, and hence, the state must ultimately be a monarchy (of sorts), equidistant from all centers of power in society and hence, able to judge among them fairly (Morgan, 613). Putting this differently, if power is the desire of all individuals and factions, then it follows that the state exists solely for security (Morgan, 606). If humanity is described in axiomatic terms all following one from another, and the state is itself part of this logical progression, then it also follows that the nature of the stateââ¬â¢s action also must follow from the above. This means that the state is unitary, dedicated to one purpose and based on a rule of law that is simple and dedicated entirely to security and, according to the contract, treats all individuals and factions as morally equal to one another (Morgan, 641). The logical structure of the Leviathan comes down to working out contradictions in the axiomatic description of human beings. If human beings desire power and cannot get it in the state of nature, then a powerful state must be crated that permits humanity to live and seek after power through peaceful means. But since no faction will permit one group to rule at the expense of all others, the state must be single, focused and based on an agreed upon set of laws (a ââ¬Å"constitutionâ⬠) that enshrines this concept of political equality. Only then can all factions agree to give up their violent ways to the central authority. Since human beings are egocentric and passionate, the state based on the rule of law agreed to by all factions beforehand follows logically. The terms ââ¬Å"peaceâ⬠and ââ¬Å"justiceâ⬠are used here in highly technical and scientific ways that part radically with previous attempts to define and justify these words. Peace, according to Hobbes, is merely the absence of war (Morgan, 592). It simply is a state of affairs that permits power hungry individuals to pursue their designs in a peaceful manner. Any breach of this peace will, ideally, lead to swift and harsh action from the state that they have empowered to keep watch over their actions. Justice is similar in that it is based on knowledge. The early parts of the Leviathan are based on a scientific method, a means of coming to know human nature as generally and simply as possible. Justice just flows from this. Ultimately, justice derives from science, which is the knowledge of good and evil (Morgan, 603). In practice, this merely means that humans are attracted by the same set of things, and recoil from the same set of things. If power and what it implies are seen in the former, then the frustration of their liberty (as defined above) is what repels them. This knowledge alone allows one to see the basis and ultimate justice of the state. Hence, justice is defined accordingly, as the ability of the person, or, at last, the state, to control the passions of the population when they threaten to disrupt the precarious balance of peace in the commonwealth (Morgan, 599-600). But this is understood by all who are punished by the state in that they have agreed to this on the basis that their own liberty is endlessly obstructed by others in the state of nature. But, as a final thought, this is the very nature of oneââ¬â¢s civic dutyââ¬âto eliminate all private desires and to follow the laws as laid down by the sovereign and agreed upon by those who have demanded these laws (Morgan, 610-611). Duty is not something that is arrived at through reason, but through the passionate desire for power. It is frustrated in the state of nature, but permitted to function freely under the rule of law. There is no ââ¬Å"thickâ⬠view of civic duty here, but rather, the control over oneââ¬â¢s passions in the interest of those same passions, to permit them to develop in peace. The desire for peace derives from the identical desire for power, except that this desire is frustrated in a state of war. This is what makes Hobbes compelling: the approach to politics could not be simpler. The concept of civic duty is summed up by Hobbes as the act of giving up ââ¬Å"governing oneselfâ⬠(Morgan, 608), and permitting the more violent elements of oneââ¬â¢s passion to be governed by the state only. What is left to the person is the peaceful pursuit of his passionate desires. Politically speaking, the commonwealth is that entity that exists for the sake of peace and security by the efficient control of the private desires of the people involved. In its place, the public will as expressed by the laws of the sovereign so far as they do not violate the very simple terms of the contract. In conclusion, the nature of peace and civic duty for Hobbes are two sides of the same coin. The public persona of the person in the commonwealth is as a public entity, a person dedicated to civic peace and dedicated to the elimination of all personal desires relative to other members of the community. The final end, according to Hobbesââ¬â¢ own description is the pursuit of power by peaceful means, engaging in commerce, etc. The sovereign is the public persona and serves to maintain this persona within the personalities of all involved.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Health Reform Essay
The American Medical Association (AMA) has been a supporter of the Affordable Care Act. This health reform has given coverage to over 30 million Americans (AMA). ââ¬Å"We continue to support the health reform law as an important first step in covering the uninsured and transforming our health care system, and we are working hard to make improvements in the law for patients and physicians,â⬠said Dr. Jeremy A. Lazarus, incoming president of the AMA (AMA). Physicians have asked why the AMA has supported the health care reform bill so early is the process. Dr. James Rohack, the president of the AMA, has stated ââ¬Å"there are several sensible reasons for this strategy: â⬠¢The original bill contained a core set of high-priority provisions that our organization has long supported; â⬠¢Bill sponsors were not likely to maintain the $230+ billion investment in Medicare physician spending if we did not register support for the bill (hospitals, the home health sector, Medicare Ad vantage plans and pharmaceutical companies are all facing cuts in the tens and hundreds of billions of dollars); and â⬠¢As early supporters, we are well positioned to help shape revisions to this bill, as well as the final legislation that will ultimately be presented to the President.â⬠The AMA is working with Congress and Administrators to ensure the best outcome for patients and physicians. This reform has promised goals that the AMA is working on to make sure they are achieved. These goals are as stated by the House of Represantives, â⬠¢Extending coverage to the uninsured â⬠¢Making investments in the physician workforce â⬠¢Providing long-term relief from Medicareââ¬â¢s flawed physician payment formula â⬠¢Increasing the nationââ¬â¢s focus on preventive care and wellness initiatives â⬠¢Simplifying administrative burdens for patients and physicians Although working to ensure these goals are met, this organization also has three other goals they are working to achieve. These goals are 1) Eliminate IPAB, 2) Replace SGR, and 3) Enact MLR. (AMA). The AMA is fighting to eliminate cuts to physicians and providers. They want to achieve a new system of payment. With this new system physicians can be rewarded for the care they provide. (AMA). Goal three has the AMA fighting to fix the liability system for patients and physicians. (AMA). In time, the Affordable Care Act bill will be worked out to where it will run smoothly. During this process the AMA will ensure that the legislative process will continue to better health care for Americans. References Rohack, J. (2009, July). AMA Comments On Health Care Reform Position. In Clinical & Practice management. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from The Affordable Care Act: An Important First Step. (2012). In Advocacy. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from japsen, b. (2012, June 14). The AMA, A Key Backer of Obamacare, Looks to Reboot. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Biological Cotton Essay
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly, letââ¬â¢s ask ourselves a few questions. How is my life now? Am I used to the air pollution or the unhealthy food? Only if you feel a little unsatisfied with your life quality, you may benefit from my todayââ¬â¢s topic: LOHAS. It is very popular in the west. Now, one of four Americans has joined it and one third of Europeans have done so. You may still feel confused but donââ¬â¢t worry. Today, I will tell you what LOHAS is and its main characters in humanââ¬â¢s basic necessities of life. First, letââ¬â¢s see the definition of LOHAS. It is a lifestyle coming from the United States. It means living in a healthy and sustainable way. To be more specific, it represents caring about familyââ¬â¢s health and ecological environment when doing shopping. Its concept is ââ¬Å"healthy, happy, environmental, and sustainableâ⬠. Now that you know the definition of LOHAS, letââ¬â¢s look at its main features in clothing, food, housing and transportation. First, in the area of clothing, LOHAS encourages people to wear natural fabrics. Iââ¬â¢ll take Biological Cotton as an example. When planting Biological Cotton without chemical fertilizer, it reduces 70% of water consumption and 50% of cost compared to common cotton. According to the above statistics, Biological Cotton consumes much less cost and environmental resources than other fabrics. You may think although itââ¬â¢s healthy, it may be old-fashioned. But the fact is not like that. Many fashion brands take use of Biological Cotton, like H&M and Leviââ¬â¢s. Second, in the area of eating, LOHAS encourages organic food. In the production of organic food, people donââ¬â¢t use chemical fertilizer or pesticides to guarantee the rich nutrition, good quality and high safety. In the UK, Prince Charles founded ââ¬Å"Duchy Originalsâ⬠, a brand of organic food. ââ¬Å"Duchy Originalsâ⬠covers a large range of food, for example meat, diary and chocolate. Third, in the area of housing, LOHAS encourages the way of low-energy consumption and recycling. According to REUTERS, there is an advanced water-cycling system in the President Bushââ¬â¢s farm. It divides the used residential water into two categories. One is showering water, considered as light polluted water. It will be purified together with rainfall. The other is water used in the kitchen and the toilet, regarded as heavy polluted water. It will be purified in a more complex way. Then all the purified water will be used to irrigate trees and flowers in the garden. Last, in the area of transportation, LOHAS encourages an environmental-friendly way. Try to take public transport as possible as you can. But if you want to buy a car in the future, you can consider buying an HEV. HEV is hybrid electric vehicle. It is driven by both electric power and petrol. It release less pollution and can always function well. As we have seen, LOHAS means the lifestyles of health and sustainability. It has its own unique features in peopleââ¬â¢s basic necessities of life. Since itââ¬â¢s beneficial to our body health and the whole environment, I hope more individuals will join it. Thank you.
Begining stages that lead to war of 1812
During the beginning stages of the War of 1812, Britain was fully engaged in fighting Napoleon in Europe and desperately tried to avoid a confrontation with the United States. However, Britain did little to stop it. While Britain was pre-occupied fighting Napoleon, America saw an opportunity to expand their territory and attempt to conquer British North America.Due to the poor organization of the U. S. forces and lack of military strategy, America failed to accomplish their main objective to take control of the northern territory of British North America.The other objective of the United States was to preserve the rights of neutrals and maintain the freedom of the seas and continue its trades with whom they desired. It is debatable who won the war; from a military stand point the British won the key battles however, the war ended in a stalemate with no gain for either side. In order to examine this thesis clearly, the paper approach shall be to look at the American grievances against British, offensive strategy of America, Britain defensive strategy and the failure of America to conquer Canada.Failure by America to conquer Canada is not really one of the stages in the beginning of the war, but rather to demonstrate the degree of gain and reason for that degree of gain. Beginning stages that lead to the War of 1812 There were various diplomatic policies approach was employed to regain a peaceful and harmonious coexistence between America and British. This was done through the use of various bills and Acts that would ensure peaceful coexistence between America and British. For instance, the Embargo Act of 1807, the Nonintercourse Act of March 1809, and the passed Macon's Bill No.2 ; all this legislation were a clear indication of Americaââ¬â¢s commitment for use of diplomacy to resolve policy crises with Great Britain. However, due to the ongoing British war with napoleon , Great Britain over step on the American rights and national pride that saw war as the o nly option to have British change its harmful policies that hampers various US progress and development. Many Americans viewed the war as a continuation of revolution, but from sociopolitical perspective scholars; the move was necessary to protect and strengthen the new found independence from Englandââ¬â¢s aggression .Sadly, two days after war declaration orders by the congress, the England parliament had already revisited those policies that added grievances to US by repealing the orders in council and sent a message to America. Unfortunately, the message reached when it was too late a midst initial war battles in Detroit by Gen. Hull that accounted to British delay to prevent the war. It is in this line of thought that this paper shall examine the core causes for war to be initiated and the results that leave a large quantity of debate to who won the war.Americaââ¬â¢s grievancesââ¬â¢ against England The Americans had many built up anger and pain against Britain during th e initial steps that marked the beginning of the war. These grievances were however fueled up with economic and political reasons behind the scenes to play an active drive role into steps to ignite the battle. For instance many scholars of political science like Buel, Richard (2006), states that criticism directed to President James Madison greatly played a contributory role to start of the war.During the time, President James Madison was criticized for his failure to stand up against Britain injustices to U. S. Therefore, faced with daunting task of election in late 1812, James Madison had only two options to either negotiate with Britain or go to war to increase his popularity and prove his capabilities for leading this great nation. As a result, when diplomatic approach failed, Madison asked the congress to vote on war. Fortunately, 19 to 13 rotes in senate and 79 to 49 rotes in the house of representative; was a go ahead command on war on Great Britain on 18th June, 1812.Despite political reason on war declaration on Great Britain, the United States of America was fed up with British impressments . Great Britain reverted to a policy of boarding Americans ship to retrieve the former sailors of Britain who had deserted the Royal Navy to look for a better pay and life to United States of America. As a result of this hunt for sailors, British seized 11,000 sailors by mid 1805. The need for the impressments was on the basis of expanded Royal Navy to 175 of the line together with other 425 ships that required more professional sailors about 140,000.These sailors could not be found with land of Great Britain, therefore, they opted to press and retrieve the Royal Navy veterans and other experienced sailors from merchant shipping and privateers . In reacting to that, the United States of America felt that the Royal Navy deserters were justified to be citizens of US; of course owing to their benefits. To worsen the matter, Britons failed to honor this fundamental ri ght of the US, instead provoked law openly. They refused to recognize the naturalized US citizenship, and considered all US citizens born in Britain territory to be liable for impressments.The situation was made worse when Britain impressed Americans. Worst of all was when the British frigates were stationed on the America harbors; in fact in Americaââ¬â¢s territorial waters conducting their searches, it could not be tolerated even by a dead patriotic American . This resultant act injured the American National pride. The trade inhibition and hampering as a result of Britain blockade of the Napoleonic Europe was a major concern to US trade that could not be swept under carpet.The Britain in attempt to Block commodities to reach into the hands of French, they seized estimated 400 Americans ship that adversely affected the trade of America. The American society felt that by seizing of their merchant ships by the great Britain in their attempt to block US trade with France Empire dur ing their war; they did not only breach the international law, but also they failed to recognize Americans neutral rights in regard to the ongoing war between the Britain and France.Black, Jeremy (2006), adds that, Great Britain practiced blockade since it perceived a possible threat by the doubling rate of US state merchant marine and fear of losing the 80 percent cotton import and 50 percent overall of the US exports to other European nations. Therefore Britain felt threatened to loose commercially and growing mercantile of the US. And by these actions and policies, America felt that the Great Britain breached Neutral Nationââ¬â¢s Right to trade with their own chosen trade partner. The conflict built up and pressure for war increased.The Britishââ¬â¢s practice of arming the native enemies of Americans; Indians of western fueled the conflict, since they were increasingly hostile strengthened by British support . As a consequence, it was difficult for Americans to defeat the n ative enemies due to their support from Britain. Therefore to make the Great Britain change its prices, war was necessary to cause tangible pain to Britain, in order for America to gain. Other scholars usually add that desire for expansion was drive for war and conquer on Canada .However this argument is not clear and lacks empirical evidence from various supportive perspectives and position. However the outstanding issue is the fact that Great Britain leadership failed to stop the war. In the sense that, despite massive protest and demonstrations by the Americans craving for ââ¬Å"free trade sand sailorââ¬â¢s rightsâ⬠, the Britons could not read these building up pressure for freedom and respect for Americans rights. Instead, they intensified from high seas crime to American shows, extending it inland to arming of the Indians.This action and deafness of the Britain officials, justify the American ââ¬Å"war hawksâ⬠statement that Great Britain crimes were not only con fined to the high seas, but also injurious to national pride of the United States of America . Therefore, war was inevitable in an attempt to reclaim this past glory. The follow up events saw war declaration on British on 18th June 1812 when Great Britain was concentrating on Europe Napoleonic war . This led to the invasion of Canada. American goal to maintain offensive strategiesAfter the war declaration on British passed by smallest margin recorded on war vote in US congress, it consequently lead to US invasion of Canada. Despite the invasion and desire to conquer Canada, the war strategy employed was offensive . This is in the light that British Royal Navy was powerful in the worlds at that present time, and no way could inexperienced and untrained fighters would outwit them. Secondly the US focus was to conquer Canada basing on land battles for lower and Upper Canada that most of its inhabitants were post war immigrants or exile from US.Natives were not for interest of the US, j ustifying their hostility to the US unions. The third aspect was the focus by US on building ships that would fight the British in great lakes. In all of these thee aspects upon US invasion of Canada, there is no single strategy that focus on the organization of the fight due to lack of professionalism in the US militia. Instead, all these tree focus point were directed on breaking the power of native enemies and conquering the British North America, while failing to take into account the power of the British military component would help them to organize their army to fight well.Furthermore, the Royal Navy was too powerful for American navy which was in a better shape anyway due to ingredient of experienced and competent sailors. Therefore, the battle in Atlantic did not materialize to see the light of the day. In return, the American marine campaign and efforts were diverted to disrupting merchant trade in sea. Fortunately, this campaign yielded many victories to the US, but it wa s of no impact to barricade Great Britain trade and provide away through to their controlling the Great Lake . British goal to maintain a defensive strategyThe British military power that was present in Canada was well trained to defend the interests of the Great Britain. But the outstanding challenge was the large numbers of the American army that outnumbered them. Empirically, statistics reveals that British regular troops present in Canada at the beginning of the war were in 6,034 soldiers, against 13,000 American soldiers which were increased to 35,000 men with authorization by the congress. Lieutenant General Sir. George Prevost was the commander in chief of the Northern America for England was instructed to employ defensive strategy of the war against Americans.Since, it was clear that war with America was of no preference to Napoleonic war . In addition to number deficiency to justify British engage in defensive strategy, British armies were all committed to the fighting Napo leon and peninsular as it was a priority to British than Northern America. While the Royal Navy was involved in the Europe sea blockade, the options were to protect the marine communication between Canada and Britain to facilitate supplies and weaken the American battle strengths by blockading American ports to disrupt trade and divert the attentions of war.As a result, American East Coast was under blockade leaving only a section of New England since they were against the war and declined to offer help to reinforce America in the war. These temporary measures were necessary to guarantee reinforcement to the small British army in the Canada. The measure of blockading the America ports produced negative tangible impact to the US , since the exports dropped sharply, coastal trade became dangerous, ships were stack on the ports without business, port towns affected and agriculturalists of West and the South felt the pitch.It is a point of worthy to mention that Canadaââ¬â¢s defensiv e strategies were directed towards strategic and core areas to sustainability of British control in Canada, unlike the US forces that were scattered. Most important and key areas were; Montreal vital for facilitating supply to Upper Canada with resources; Quebec City enabled and linked provisions from England up the St. Lawrence River to the areas of the west; and upper Canada.Despite successful defensive strategy in conjunction with the port blockade, geographical limitation to the British soldiers . America failed to conquer Canada Despite presence of indicators of necessity of using war against Great Britain, America was never prepared for war . President Madison undervalued the military task force needed to seize Canada, whereby at the start he sent regular army of about 13,000 men who were severely defeated. As a consequence, the American congress authorized an additional army to expand the military power to 35, 000 men.The dark side of these increased numbers was that, they we re unprofessional volunteers, who were poorly paid with low motivation to fight outside their home state. This resulted to inefficiency in the military needed to conquer Canada. Defective military strategies were evident as Americans scattered their forces in multi-pronged attacks that bore no fruits. In sum total, the Americans inadequate preparation in naval, military and financial domains generated incompetent troops without proper financial for the war.The United States of America experienced difficulties in financing its war; since New England withdrew its support for funds and military units, worse of that was the fact America had disbanded its national bank. The only help for funds could have been from private bankers from the Northeast, but northeast private bankers were greatly opposed to the war and could not offer a helping hand for the war . The organization of the military base received a blow due to uncooperative and quarrelsome commanders who were struggling for power and control over military forces.While militia called to reinforce the army it defined itself as a defensive force for war of obstruction rather than conquest. Evidently, all early attempts to invade Canada did not bore any fruits due to those shortcomings on US military and state failure. For instance, General Hullââ¬â¢s attempted attack geared to conquer Canada from Detroit four days after war declaration, backed off due to fear of the native militias. As a result, the Canadian commanding officer Gen. Brock capitalized on this fear to fully advantage. And lead to significant losses in the military battles.By April 1814 after napoleon surrender, Britain transferred its military mighty to reinforce Canada in a major landing operation. The initial operations were made in Chesapeake Bay and Maine which were a success. This totally paralyzed American efforts to conquer Canada. This ignited further military actions for against America in Maryland, Washington, D. C. , Bladensburg and the burning of white house in the year 25th of august in 1814. But, British move to attack and capture Baltimore was put off by now better shaped American armies. Conclusion` The paper has discussed exclusively the early stages and causes the Americans to engage in a military way to regain its control over their land and sovereignty. In attempt bring out the argument the paper has looked at the Americaââ¬â¢s grievancesââ¬â¢ against great Britain, American goal to maintain offensive strategies, British goal to maintain a defensive strategy and main attributes why America failed to conquer Canada and never gained what it went to war for, apart from victory by General Andrew Jackson in the battle of New Orleans over British army.It was necessarily important that Americans were never defeated by the Britons. While on the other hand, the Britons were not defeated by Americans in their quest to conquer Canada. In other words, neither of the side lost or gained apart from slight tak eover by the America of Carleton Island to be part of New York. The resultant situation of Ghent peace treaty signed on 24th December, 1814, brought back the respect and honor to the American society to maintain its status quo.While at the same time, facilitating policy changes by the British in favor of America. Additionally, the US learned not to rely too heavily on a militia, but rather have an effective, competent and a more organized army. Although Americans tried to battle with their enemy, they had more than enough reasons to fear the British, whereas Canadians had sufficient evidence to fear the Americans. Bibliography Black, Jeremy. America as a Military Power 1775-1865: Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002Black, Jeremy. Britain as a Military Power: London, UK: Routledge, 1998. Buel, Richard. America on the Brink; How the Political Struggle over the War of 1812 Almost Destroyed the Young Republic: Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Langguth, A. J. Union 1812; New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006. Stuart, Reginald. United States Expansionism and British North America 1775-1871. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
1984 - Socialism
1984 Socialism Essay 1984 SocialismEric Blair, known to his readers under the English pen name of George Orwell (1903-1950), was a man familiar with the roles of government.He served with the British government in Burma under the Indian Imperial Police.Returning to his European roots, Orwell also sided with the Spanish government as he fought with the Loyalists in their civil war.It wasnt until he wrote professionally as a political writer that Orwells ideas of government were fully expressed.Orwell, in his political writings, was extremely contradictory.He was a critic of communism, yet he also considered himself a Socialist.He had hatred toward intellectuals, but he too was a political writer.It is only natural that a man of paradoxes would write of them.In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell develops his Socialist Utopia as a paradoxical society that ultimately succeeds rather than flounders. The society that Orwell creates is full of paradoxes that existed all the way up to its origins.The founders of the new lifestyle, known as the revolutionaries of the mid-twentieth century, leads the public to believe false intentions of revolt, as these purposes soon become exact opposite outcomes.The original designers seek to create an ideal social order out of England that is beneficial to all.Marin Kessler, a literary essayist, agrees that these utopianshad hoped to construct a perfect society in which men and women could enjoy that ultimate degree of happiness which, it was implied denied through the folly and wickedness of their present rulers (304).Besides being founded on the concept of a Utopia, the revolutionaries believe they could achieve their goals through Ingsoc, a variation on English socialism (named justly).The main concept of socialism is its stress on social equality, so much that the government distributes any possessions equally.In reality, this policy sought t o destroy individual property, instead emphasizing collective property, owned by the government for the ultimate purpose of equality.Socialism is also often considered the politics of the working class and lower regime, since they actually benefited from it.Although the founders claim to create a socialist Utopia with its respective freedoms, the society of Oceania they create is exactly the opposite of their original principles.OBrien, a major contributor to the government organization known as the Party, describes the contradictory characteristics of the world power of Oceania, Do you begin to see then, what kind of world we are creating?It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imaginedThe old civilizations claimed they were founded upon love and justice.Ours is founded upon hatred (Nineteen Eighty-Four 220).Oceania is anything but socialist; it is rather a totalitarian empire.The Party is all-powerful in this nation and limits the peoples o wn power as well.Oceanias people are oppressed by the government that is supposed to be protecting them and their rights.Orwell foresaw the approach of a totalist society from which faith, custom, common sense, justice, order, freedom, brotherhood, art, literature, and even sexual love would be eradicated, declares literary critic Russell Kirk.The new socialist oligarchy would live for the intoxication of brutal power (311).Every action and policy of the Party demonstrates its oppressiveness.The Party destroys the concept of privacy via the telescreen, an instrument used to transmit and receive images.The Party conceals the truth and only tells lies to its people through the controlled media.The Party destroys a language as it evolves English into Newspeak, a language limited in abstract ideas.The Party outlaws the act of sexual intercourse and procreation.The most horrific violation of natural rights is the Partys prohibition of individuality.Although there are no written laws in O ceania, there is only one true offense: opposing the Party.Socialism attempts to create a society with only one true social order, so that all members are equal parts.Oceania, on the other hand, is composed of three real class orders with the top oppressing the other two. A work entitled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, more simply known to the Oceanic public as the book, describes the true class structure: At the apex of the pyramid comes Big Brother.Big Brother is infallible and all-powerfulBelow Big Brother comes the Inner Party, its numbers limited to six millions, or something less then two percent of the population of Oceania.Below the Inner Party comes the Outer Party, which, if the Inner Part..y is described as the brain of the State, may be justly likened to the hands.Below that come the dumb masses whom we habitually refer to as the proles, numbering perhaps eighty-five percent of the population.In terms of our earlier classification, the proles are th e Low, whoare not a permanent or necessary part of the structure. (171-172). READ: The Hound of the Baskervilles EssayThe Party of Oceania completely rejects the class structure that Socialism is founded on.Oceania is more a monarchy than that of a Socialist society, with Big Brother as its immortal and superhuman king; the Party is the nobility class and the proles, mere peasants.Additionally, Socialism is the politics of the proletarians, the working class of a society, differing immensely from the Oceanic structure as the proles are exactly those who are neglected and oppressed.All of the goals the founders sought to bestow upon their supposed, Socialist Utopia do not even imitate those actually outcomes.These intentions, therefore, play a major paradoxical role in this mixed up society. Although the origins of Oceania are paradoxes, the institutions that make up this massive power are also baffling.The most notable signs of paradox to indicate that its establishments are also paradoxical are literally contained in the Partys slogan: War is Peace.Freedom is slavery.Ignorance is strength (7).Even though this slogan appears irrational, it is due to the fact that it is devised by an irrational and contracting government.The paradoxical government represents the philosophies of that government.The Partys entire existence lies upon one ultimate paradox, Doublethink. Doublethink is the ultimate paradox, because as its name suggests it is the philosophy of holding a double meaning, two ideas that are contradictory to one another.It would be impossible, however, for the repressive dictatorship to realize the full benefitswithout DoublethinkWithout Doublethink the party would not function, explains expert on politics Martin Kessler.For, when the party intellectual lies, it is essential that he both know that he is tampering with reality and at the same time genuinely believe in his lie (306).Since the philosophies of Oceanic government are paradoxical, it is no surprise that its four major institution are as well.The Ministry of Truth, which tells little of it, is responsible for all forms of news, entertainment, education, and fine arts.In reality, the Minitrue, as translated in Newspeak, falsifies all information and media exposed to the public, destroying any details hinting otherwise.The Ministry of Peace (Minipax) deals only with waging war, rather than keeping peace since Oceania was always in combat with either Eastasia or Eurasia, the only two other superpowers.The Ministry of Love (Miniluv) offers little compassion whatsoever, because they were responsible for punishing and even vaporizing people with even a hint at anything against the Party.The majority of those sent to the Miniluv by the Thought Police are truly guilty of nothing.Lastly, the Ministry of Plenty (Miniplenty) is contradictory to its name, because although its job is to supply the public with economic goods, it rarely distributes anything to keep the power and property within the Party (8).The institutions within the Ocenic society are mere paradoxes of the society as a whole. Even more paradoxes exist within the Partys primary ways of ruling the continental power of Oceania.Its contradictory methods and instruments used for managing demonstrate the true paradox of the society.The technology and use of the telesceen exhibits many paradoxical qualities.This device, while seeming like an entertainment, is able to cause more suffering than pleasure.It is an oppressive instrument that completely abolishes the concept of privacy as the people that are forced to hear and see the television screen can themselves be heard and seen at all times under constant supervision even while sleeping or in the bathroom, according to writer Issaac Asimov (315).The utilization of the telescreen becomes unpleasurable when it makes it easier for the Party to catch one in any act suspicious to it.The Paradox arises even in its mechanism as it transmits propaganda to the people like a television, but at the same time it receives images of the people like a camera.The true paradox arises, because there may have to be five watchers for every person watched.And then, of course, the watchers must themselves be watched, since no one in the Orwellian world is suspicion-free (Asimov 315).It is a wonder how such a technology is able to work, as the philosophies of the Party must be broken at one point.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7
Response - Essay Example In fact, the telecommunication industry is predominantly becoming homogenous, and firms in the industry are focusing on competing on technology basis over and above relatively differentiating their products and services. Consumers are rational; they maximize their welfare at the minimum cost possible (Pride & Ferrell 329). On the other hand, firms seek to maximize profitability by minimizing operational costs as much as possible. The link between these two concepts gives rise to business strategies for successful and profitable business operations. The fact that pricing is a critical factor that influences the overall performance of a business enterprise cannot be refuted. However, competing on price basis is a critical decision to make in business. Markets are made up of different market structures, namely: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly (Pride & Ferrell 450). Pricing strategies work differently across these market models, but the common denominator is that product and service quality must be accounted for. Therefore, a pricing strategy that is backed up by product quality is more likely to satisfy
Monday, August 12, 2019
In-Flight Security For Airline Passengers Essay
In-Flight Security For Airline Passengers - Essay Example are to be dealt more cautiously. And now more security provisions are added for airline passengers while in air. The project examines and studies all the security measures adhered to by various airlines including FAMs, Flight Deck Officer, Discrete Codes, Crew Members and Reinforced Cockpit Doors. Their training methods, duties, laws and changed laws after September 11 incident has been mentioned in it. It is highly useful for the general public to be assured regarding the present security provided by the airlines. Even the ethical situation and dilemma has been talked about giving due consideration to the delicate issues. No doubt all the training, requirements and implementation of changed laws needs huge budget. But the Under Secretary and Federal Government are obliged to hold all the cost responsibility of training, supervision, equipment etc. hence leaving no expense to the pilots. Training becomes very ideal when it comes to the security of the public especially when carrying loaded guns to fire when in need. The project clearly shows the comparison between the changed laws before and after the fatal incident of September 11. Budgets have been reformed and the government takes the responsibility. Although TSA initially opposed the Flight Deck Officer program to arm and train cockpit personnel. The conclusion states that the top priority of any organization should be the security of the passengers in airlines. Audience Scenario My project is directly approached to the general public boarding airlines on daily basis. It is to shed all their doubts regarding their security and safety in planes while in air. It will be surely of great help to them to get acquainted to various security methods deployed by airlines for their betterment. After reading the report they'll be more confident and easy while boarding the flights especially after what happened on September
Sunday, August 11, 2019
China Kitchen Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
China Kitchen - Case Study Example ethical and legal issue brought up in the Kitchen Best case invites ethical questions when doing cross-boundary business in Southern China and the risks associated to such business practices and how could such behavior/s be avoided in the future. The ethical and to certain extent legal issues that beset Kitchen Best became apparent at the end of 2009 when Malaysia-based distributor Shago commission a European designer to come up with a range of appliances for its 40th anniversary collection. Shago then placed orders with Kitchen Best with some of appliances ordered came with a special gift set of microwable tableware. Shago however complained that the bowls and plates in the gift sets were not microwable and this is breach of contract where Shago demanded both a refund and compensation. Upon investigation, it was found that Sze, Kitchen Bestââ¬â¢s purchasing and production manager who had been responsible for sourcing the gift sets had awarded the contract to a factory in Dongguan that was owned by his brother-in-law. In return for the order, Sze and his wife were offered a free package tour to Europe. Wei, who knew about the personal relationship between Sze and the factor owner, had not reported it in view of their rela tionships with Li. When in-house testing later showed that the product was faulty, she informed Sze, who told her he would handle it. However, no remedial action was taken and Wei decided not to pursue the matter any further. This incident was followed by the incident with Haus de Metro where bribery happened in the testing and certification of samples. This occurred when a shipment that was sent to German retail chain Haus de Metro did not meet the companyââ¬â¢s safety requirements contrary to the satisfactory testing report received by Kitchen Best. Kitchen Best had subcontracted HdMââ¬â¢s orderfor electric water dispenser to Qinghua Electrical Appliance Ltd as its own production lines were fully occupied. Kitchen Best arranged for Keemark
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Relationships in the Church of Christ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Relationships in the Church of Christ - Essay Example cans and African Americans, the thesis would try to define the role of Church of Christ in uniting these two cross cultural communities and study its influence in promoting leadership qualities for acculturation. The two ethnic communities; Mexican-American and African-American are characterized by their vastly different cultures and individual set of cross cultural problems. But the social barriers have been overcome to build a society where these two different communities collaborate and mutually support each other and successfully help build relationships within the Church of Christ. The study would make efforts to compare the two groupsââ¬â¢ leadership roles, on the basis of their assimilation, integration and cross-cultural communication and study the predominant influence of Church of Christ in prevailing over language, race and socio-economic constraints. The thesis aims to collect relevant data through comprehensive interview schedules and study the historical importance of 8th Street Church of Christ in San Jose, CA. in consolidating and uniting the congregation that is defined by its diversity in terms of language and culture. The scope of the thesis would include the study of Church of Christ, incorporating various factors like: organization of church services, integration of funds, language barriers, translation of sermons, communication between the eldership and deacons, individual thoughts of leaders, how scripture defines leadership roles etc., which determine the impact of Church in promoting and building social relationships that transcend the border of race, language and culture especially in the last five years. The research proposes to analyze the data and evaluate it from the various perspectives so that an unbiased and detailed outcome could be reached on the impact of Church on these two communities which have overcome cross cultural barriers to forge long lasting relationships that promotes professional and personal excellence in the field
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